The Snacker's Digest

The Snacker’s Digest is the pairing between snacking and design. A passion of mine known by those closest to me is food and snacking. Another passion that is more obvious is one for design, and my aim was to merge the two to create a unique platform to share and showcase new and interesting snacks that people would not usually try, but to do this in a creative way. As I venture out trying interesting snacks i’ll be sharing and writing about my findings and sharing them with you.

Rhythm 108's Super Coconut Bar Review

So this is my first ever TSD blog post. I’m slowly working my way through posts over on my instagram page but the restriction within Instagram is in the fact I can’t quite give the deep dive in information that I really want to give. This will give me that freedom.

Before I get in to things, I’m not a writer and there will be mistakes (bad ones too) so please do bare with me.


My first snack is from a company called Rhythm 108. Their whole thing is "Eat Real, Be Real", and I couldn't knock that, they aspire to bring quality and balance to the supermarkets and personally we need more companies like this breaking down doors and getting into our cupboards. I picked up the Super Coconut bar which is a Swiss Dark Chocolate with coconut and & oat filling from Sainsbury's earlier today.

Taste test: You're hit firstly with the dark chocolate, then out of nowhere there's a subtle crunch and fluff from the coconut interior. After a few more bites I was seriously feeling it and to think this is natural and organic is very impressive!

I’d highly recommend this to coconut lovers and to those looking for a natural lift.

Rating: 4/5

Can be bought here: